

會發現Tamas Wells是在逛blog時意外的收穫,是個美好的意外。

他的曲風樸實,只運用木吉他、鋼琴等單純的樂器及合聲來豐富音樂,在他的歌聲還有我喜歡的木吉他合弦中,彷彿可以把人帶回到那段很純真簡單的年代,如詩如歌,我想可以這麼說吧。整晚開著就是愛四處打滾的blog反覆聽著Tamas Wells「A Plea en Vendredi」專輯,其它的網頁則是開始瘋狂搜尋與他相關的資料,才發現有關他的中文討論少之又少,而且大部分都是香港和大陸的,後來在JS blog中發現以下介紹....

~Tamas Wells既是團名也是其中主唱的名字,來自澳洲墨爾本的 indie-pop 樂團成立于2000年初,04年第一張專輯”A Mark On The Pane”曾被評為當年最美的唱片之一~

「買CD」在現在看起來是見很復古的事,必須誠實的說我今年買不到10張CD,但下定決心一定要擁有他的「A Plea en Vendredi」專輯。網路書店遍尋不著,連續2天跑了誠品及Fnac也都跟我說Sorry,最後只好上Amazon試試看,果然是什麼都有的Amazon,一張不含運費就要美金$21,加上運費後大概要破台幣千元,有點遲疑,繼續找~ 後來在好朋友Google(註1)的幫助下找到CD Baby,而且只要美金$14,加上運費美金$7,剛好是Amazon的售價,立刻下單刷卡結帳,直到收到CD Baby的訂單回覆e-mail,才發現這是個很有趣的網路商店....

Wendy -

Thanks for your order with CD Baby!

Shipping Address
Wendy Chang

Qty    Description                                    Price    Total
===    ===========                                    =====    =====
  1    TAMAS WELLS: a plea en vendredi               $14.00   $14.00

                                                  Sub Total   $14.00
                                                  Shipping     $7.00
                                                Grand Total   $21.00

Your CD has been gently taken from our CD Baby shelves with sterilized contamination-free gloves and placed onto a satin pillow.

A team of 50 employees inspected your CD and polished it to make sure it was in the best possible condition before mailing.

Our packing specialist from Japan lit a candle and a hush fell over the crowd as he put your CD into the finest gold-lined box that money can buy.

We all had a wonderful celebration afterwards and the whole party marched down the street to the post office where the entire town of Portland waved 'Bon Voyage!' to your package, on its way to you, in our private CD Baby jet on this day, Sunday, December 17th.

I hope you had a wonderful time shopping at CD Baby.  We sure did. Your picture is on our wall as 'Customer of the Year'.  We're all exhausted but can't wait for you to come back to CDBABY.COM!!

Thank you once again,

Derek Sivers, president, CD Baby
the little CD store with the best new independent music
phone: 1-800-448-6369  email:

請注意以上藍字的部分(我相信這是他們制式化的回函,但第一次收到還是覺得很好笑),原本預期是一般感謝訂購的回函,所以一開始也看的霧剎剎,於是再回頭認真研究一下CD Baby這個網站,才發現他們很妙,CD Baby專門替獨立製作音樂人銷售專輯(網頁上還特地結釋Independent這個字),起源是執行長本身也是玩音樂的,一開始為了銷售自已的專輯架設這個網站,後來越來越多人加入一直到現在的規模,詳細的介紹可以<看這裡>,以下是幾個我覺得很cool的idea,

  • We listen to every CD we sell before we sell it, so we can help you find other albums you'll like.

  • We only sell CDs that come directly from the musicians. No distributors. Musicians send us CDs. We warehouse them, sell them to you, and pay the musicians directly.

  • Cool thing: in a regular record deal or distribution deal, musicians only make $1-$2 per CD, if they ever get paid by their label. When selling through CD Baby, musicians make $6-$12 per CD, and get paid weekly.

  • No Microsoft products were used in the creation of this website.

  • We try to stay HTML 4.0 compliant. No special web browser needed.

這是個很美好的經驗,發現好聽的聲音進而找到一個很cool的網站,現在就等著郵差送來Tamas Wells.  好想聽現場演唱.......


Tamas Wells官網:

CD Baby:

線上試聽Tamas Wells

A Mark On The Pane (2004):

A Plea en Vendredi (2006):


<<1/1 updated>> 聖誕節的隔天收到CD~~ 12/29 收到CD Baby的貨品追蹤e-mail, 真的是有用心的小店耶....

Wendy -

Did you get your CD OK?
Was everything perfect?

If you liked a CD you bought, please write a little review on the musician's CD Baby page?  Just click the link below, and scroll to the bottom of the page. You'll see where it says, "WRITE A REVIEW".  It only takes a minute and would mean a lot to the artists.

The CD we sent you was:

TAMAS WELLS: A Plea en Vendredi

Also... if you like that CD, I think you'll like some of our editor's picks, here:

POP: Folky Pop

POP: Delicate

Of course if anything was wrong, please let me know!  Tell me it was
ORDER # 1609229.  I'd be glad to help.


Derek Sivers, CD Baby  <-- new CDs added every day!


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